Sunday, November 22, 2009

Portrait Session / Lighting Workshop

Lighting workshop in Samy's started from 11am to 4pm. There were about 8 people in a big size studio. Everybody was tired but excited. The instructor was a funny guy. The model was tiny but hot with a pair of purple attractive eyes. The corner of wall and floor was rounded to avoid the adjunction line, which was smart but required more construction work. I loved to shoot against light with flare on model's face, while normal lighting was still popular.

This one was my favorite today, called "Black Door". There was just a black foamboard in the back. I was so surprised when it showed on my LCD with foamboard and model floating, blue lighting, two overlaped figures with hands crossing. Everything was so surreal. Loved it!


  1. Hi this is Mark from MITBBS.

    That is the class in Pasadena with Fernando Escovar right? Guess what, I almost signed for that class too, only decided not to go because of other commitment.

    I am glad you like it. I am looking for more practice with photographing model in studio lighting myself. I am still very new to this and I think taking a class will help me getting started.

  2. hi, nice to see you here. It is one, which u will like.
